One of Sunstainy’s exciting projects involved redesigning a menu for a gluten-free, vegetarian & sustainable restaurant. The previous menu lacked clarity and didn’t effectively promote key dishes or the café’s eco-friendly values. I crafted a new, user-friendly menu that not only highlighted certain items (using menu engineering & behavioural marketing cues) but also subtly showcased the sustainability of the restaurant. The result? A pretty menu, printed on eco-friendly paper, that was easier for guests to navigate and understand as well for the restaurant to make changes to having designed it in user-friendly designing software Canva. The new menu led to a more enjoyable dining experience and, also quite important: increased turnover!
Focus points:
The project
A new menu that is easier to understand, includes cues and menu engineering to increase turnover, highlights sustainability, and can be easily updated without needing to hire a designer.
Final result
A menu designed in Canva with small cues (words, order, icons, etc.) that’s eco-friendly, easy for guests and colleagues to understand, simple to update, and has led to higher turnover.
Was it a success?
Absolutely! As it serves it purpose: a pretty, eco-friendly menu crafted in Canva, featuring clever cues.. It was easy for both guests and staff to navigate, simple to update without needing a designer, and most importantly, it boosted turnover!
Small changes to your restaurant or café’s menu can be very effective which can increase turnover and make a difference!